Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Episode from 12-8-2019

While this may be a blog post on the last episode of this show, there will be at least one more blog post after this one. I plan to do cast updates in this blog like I have for other shows that have ended. You will see if that happens after I post the send off post on Friday. Expect the first cast update in a week from now if they are to start happening at all, that is.

将布雷特·卡瓦Brett Kavanaugh)推上最高法院的人听程在《代》志(2018年9月17日至17日)的第8行了讨论文章名“民主党人努力制止布雷特·卡瓦Brett Kavanaugh)。”文章错误地宣称,投票上限60票需要行确。克拉斯·托斯只52票成他。托斯(Thomas)和卡瓦Kavanaugh)都将有48名参议员投票反是一个成功候人的最低否定票数。

帕特里克·莱希(Patrick Leahy)指出,一投票程并不底或透明。如文章所述,该问题的部分原因是:“在[他的]确投票之前,不会[布雷特担任人大秘的角色]的大量文。”甚至布雷特也试图宣称“最高法院决不能,永不要将其视为有党派的机构(并且大法官是独立的,不受政治或公共力的影响)。但与事相去甚,考到他上任前后所做的案件。

I’d have to check my list of what shows replaced what other ones before I’d know what other blogs that are in my potential list of shows to blog about would wind up having politics mentioned in it. But I do not remember offhand what all shows I could blog about that air on the CBS on CW. Plus, I only have the current schedule written down and not the shows that are still on that aren’t on the schedule.

What I do know is that Blue Bloods might be the only current CBS show that I blog politics about. The others were it might work haven’t aired yet or are on hiatus. As for the CW, Supergirl would be a potential show to blog about politics in. That would put all of Arrowverse shows having the potential for political parts of them in the future.

Speaking of Arrowverse, I have constantly referenced Legends of Tomorrow this season due to an actor from it, Wentworth Miller, having appeared in the first season of that show, as well as other seasons of it and some episodes of The Flash and maybe other shows at one point. He has played at least two versions of the character on the show. He also appeared in Prison Break, but I never saw much of it. I have liked to reference a lot from that show as a result. The franchise’s most elaborate crossover to date starts tonight and we’ll have to wait until next year to find out how it ends.

Now I will get to the last old episode of The Good Wife that I’m putting in this blog. If I wind up sharing more old posts of it in other blogs, it won’t be in my Good Fight blog. That way, if I finish sharing old posts about The Good Wife, I can go right to sharing the spin-off, which is more of a sequel series than a true spin-off that you would expect.

In the blog post, it is yet another poorly written post as I watched everything after the delay first and had written that before I did the first part of the episode. I also wasn’t watching the show in the right order and it was confusing as a result. I am randomly referencing things as I normally do. I also talk about watching Quantico and liking it. I mention a Maine law and it could grow into being a state that I wind up caring about more long term. I also make a CinemaSins reference.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to do political poetry in the future or not. I would switch to a different type as before. Is lament a type of poetry? I could do that. But haiku might be a better choice. When I started doing this, I was doing limericks. Since I’m doing a Democratic poem in this post and do want to do one last acrostic poem, I will make it an acrostic limerick as I talk about Obama.

Over the last few years
Better days were seen in the rear
America was better
Might write him a letter
And ask him what are his jeers

Since it is Christmastime now when I’m writing this and when it will be published, I thought about what would make a good political gift idea for various politicians. I have different themes that could be used. If they lie a lot, give them pants. If they engage in mudslinging, give them soap. If they don’t seem to know what words means like all the Republicans testifying in the impeachment hearings, you should give them a dictionary so they know what words actually are. I wonder what other ideas there could be for them. We’ll see in the future.

With so many people in the race for the Democratic nomination, one of the most notable things that has happened is that Michael Bloomberg is in the presidential race. He is very rich. He was a Republican not too long ago. While a moderate and good leader, many are not wanting someone would could just wind up buying the election. Some think that Trump might have, but that argument only works if Trump had spent more money that Hilary Clinton did.

Mike has already caused problems and one may question some of his choices. He’s not really that bad a choice for president, but there might be better people out there in the race. Also, Mike has spent a lot of money keeping the senate red, something that no one wants if Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies or if there is any vacancy on the Supreme Court ever again.

I won’t know yet if I’ll be able to watch any more movies on my main list this year or not. What I do know is that I will be telling you updates about it in my Survivor blog for the near future. That will be quite important as updates on old blog posts from this and other blogs could wind up in that blog. But I am a bit worried that Survivor might end. I don’t know if anyone else feels that way or not. Know that the movies alone will decide what old posts, if any, will wind up in that blog.

Bernie Sanders may not be the perfect candidate as no one is, but he is well liked and there is good reason why that would be. One of those reasons is that he doesn’t like billionaires and the way that they influence politics in the world today. He also doesn’t like it when they run for office.

Not everyone likes their family members and politics is often a reason why. Even politicians, it seems, have to deal with this reality. It shouldn’t be surprising. Ever the empathic one, Elizabeth Warren has a good answer about the problem herself.

While the whole impeachment proceedings are going on, I hope that people have time to watch them themselves so they can form their own opinion about it. I just wish I knew when they aired. Also keep in mind that people will often say what they want in order to make a point there, even if it edit outs quite important details. I hope that you can find your own, unbiased way of learning about what goes on at these proceedings. That way, you’ll find better info than you might in other places.

Trump is worried about Elizabeth Warren’s chances of winning the office of the presidency. I am not worried so much as hopeful that she will win, although I’d be fine with a lot of the Democrats who are running for office. Trump even knows how she can win.

With so much criminal activity going on in the Trump administration, you’d think that he should have been out of office a long time ago. What makes him different from other presidents? Well, you’d think that he shouldn’t be treated differently, but the dark overlord is put on a pedestal as they remind you of his opponent for election in 2016. Why didn’t she ever suffer for her email scandal? Um, isn’t losing to Donald fucking Trump suffering for it? None of his supporters care about the laws that he breaks. This is why we should never hear about her emails again.

What sadly seems to affect so many female politicians is an outright bias among them when they run for office that they don’t seem to have when they are elected. It is possible that Nancy Pelosi is the most affected by this, but she could be affected for other reasons. Take Kamala Harris for example. She was not as well liked when running for president. Now that she dropped out, everyone loves her again.

Before going into the football part of this post, I might as well talk about the show going into its end. I have no idea why a lot of the cast from previous seasons weren’t in this once. Alison, for instance, was not one that should have gone with where the plot was going. It would be nice if there were more of an explanation for why some of them were gone. As for the airing of this, it seems bad that they are putting it after a football doubleheader and at least 30 minute delay. Plus, why haven’t they been promoting this as well as they could be? This is the last episode for Pete’s sake!

It is around 5:30 when I check to see what games might be on. FOX is not airing anything that I care about tonight. While at first I’m disappointed that one of my CBS affiliates is airing a Patriots game, I see that they are losing to the Chiefs. When the Patriots play, I root for the other team no matter what. My other CBS affiliate is airing the same game. I wish there was something else on that I care about, but I am not watching anything else tonight. I just hope that my sometimes curse of the team that I like doing badly because I watch the game doesn’t continue this time at least.

The shows will be delayed, but I will be sticking with CBS as FOX is airing Mr. Universe where you’d think that Louie Anderson will say that Earth-3 won instead of Mars as he is supposed to. I was hoping that I could live watch Supergirl tonight and record the on time shows, but apparently, they don’t seem to care about when the show airs. I just hope there isn’t too much of a delay, but you’d think that they would preempt something else this time around, even if they have done a poor job promoting the final season of this show. What could it be? We won't know.

Anyways, the game ends with the Chiefs winning and continuing the NFL’s longest streak of winning seasons. Will they ever have a losing season again? I hope not. But we’ll see what happens. The shows are not airing so late that they will risk preempting a show. I’m glad that it didn’t go into overtime or end with a Patriots win which it very well could have.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 45 minute delay. We begin with Elizabeth, Blake, Stevie, and others gathered at a church trying to find a place for her wedding. Henry is impressed by the beams. Dmitri has no strong feelings about one place over another since he isn’t from here. Elizabeth is denied food since it hasn’t been vetted well. This has been around nine months since the failed impeachment vote. Mike explains some of what is going on as they want to celebrate women’s right to vote and equal pay.

Russell explains to Elizabeth that he is having problems with his marriage and they are separated. She is concerned that this is about the job he took for him. He meets with her and she thinks that he has been second to him compared to his job. Elizabeth talks with other women doing a promo for this bill. She learns that two of the women married each other. A woman who was born with the 19th Amendment had passed is at the event. This woman is disappointed that men passed the bill. She is certain that the constitution doesn’t have equality because it is written that men and not women are created equal. She then learns that the wedding venue burned down.

In segment two, Stevie is worried that she won’t find a replacement venue soon. Elizabeth promise that there will be no politics at this event. Flo is the name of the older woman who wants civil liberties to be permanent. They might want to try to pass the Equal Rights Amendment again. Did you know that it was a woman who ruined the chances of this passing? What up with that? Elizabeth makes a speech about it in question. Mike comes in and Amy, a senator, wants to stop what she feels is a gender lined thing.

In segment three, Mike tells Russell that a coup could be happening in Venezuela. Russell wants to make sure that the wedding isn’t politicized. Amy is on her way to talk to Elizabeth when Henry talks to her. She explains some of her beliefs into why she wants them to be separate. He tries to talk to her about what he wants out of this. Elizabeth and Henry talk over each other while they ride with Stevie. Stevie asks for them to whip out votes by inviting people to the wedding.

Russell talks to the Venezuelan man who wants to start a Civil War. Russell invites him to the wedding to prevent this. But then he learns what Jason is doing with Dmitri and others. They were doing a hatchet throwing contest at a bachelor party. He stops it and calls his wife about it. But she says that she is not the person that he should tell his day to anymore.

In segment four, Elizabeth looks at her daughter in a wedding dress. Alison shows up and Jay is also here at the event. I might have called Blake Jay elsewhere during this season. Matt returns as does Daisy. He is working on a show about a robot president. I’d like to see that. Julio from Venezuela is there. Russell tells Mike that they will whip up votes at the reception. Elizabeth then talks to Conrad who is a pastor there. We then get to the wedding part in question. They get married without any issues.

In segment five, the people there split up and go after the people they need to in order to get the ERA off the ground. Matt and Daisy talk to each other. He wants to start a podcast with her. Will they wind up together or will they be like April and Jackson? Henry makes a toast. Mike doesn’t get his jokes. I’ll admit, it isn’t nearly as funny as the rabbit joke from last year. Calling all rabbits! That was a hilarious joke because it wasn’t funny at all. Henry offers words of advice.

Russell’s wife shows up and he offers up his idea of what to do since he never chose her first. He doesn’t think that anything matters if he can’t share it with her. He then resigns to Elizabeth right away and she accepts this immediately. He ignores a phone call. In one month, the House and Senate are ready to pass the ERA. Elizabeth wants to do a train tour like in the old days to pass this Amendment. This is the last of the series here and now.

Now it is time to offer up my thoughts on the finale. It seems like a random way of doing it. But I guess that they wanted to say that a lot of what they needed done still wasn’t done. I don’t know what was up with all the focus on Russell and his wife. At least they didn’t focus too much on a separation storyline that they didn’t need in there like in Parenthood. I liked seeing a lot of the old cast again, even if we never saw some of the classic people again. I’d say that this isn’t bad by any means so this blog will thus continue and I’ll explain more how in the next post on Friday.

If you never read more than one daily kos story, you should read this one. It offers great advice about how one should make sure that one’s own bias isn’t present when one shares a story. One should make sure that one shares a good story that doesn’t have anything wrong or made up about it.

No offense to him, but Joe Biden is a nut. He seems to love riding Obama’s coattails all the way to his strangely wanted by others presidency. He also thinks that there should be political party as terrible as what the Republican one is now. What up with that?

There won’t be much that I’ll be putting in this post that won’t be saved until the next post. Note that there are some shows replacing others. The timeslot replacement for this show will be the show NCIS: New Orleans. Meanwhile, its true replacement will be FBI: Most Wanted.

I don’t think that there is much else to say as I finish this post. Note that this will not be the last one as there will be a new way of updating this blog that you might have seen from other ones already should you be reading them. Political posts will still be in place at random times. I hope that you’ve liked my sign off thus far as it will largely not be seen in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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