Saturday, August 20, 2022

Politics: Why is it Always Venezuela?

There seems to be a point that the Republicans like making that isn’t always relevant, but they often like to go to it. While there are plenty of worse countries than America, it seems like the one that they are always afraid of our country becoming like is Venezuela. While they aren’t wrong per say to think this, you do have to wonder, why is that the go to problem country of today? Why do they always bring that up instead of literally any other country?


The thing is that despite all of the problems that Venezuela has, there are plenty of other issues that other countries have that Republicans don’t seem to care about or worry about the US becoming like even as it happens. We could be worrying about a country having a terrible leader who is like a cult follower like North Korea has. That is a problem like the type of person that Trump is. But they aren’t worried about it even as they let it happen.


Republicans could also be worried about us becoming a country like Russia that also has a terrible leader who stokes horrible rhetoric and tries to put their negative influence on tons of other places. But they aren’t worried about that either even as someone like Trump does a lot of those things to each other.


The reason that they bring up Venezula instead of other countries is that it seems like it is more of a problem with the left side of the political idealogy instead of the far right. They are never worried about the far right taking over the country as they watch and let it happen. They only care about issues with the other side even as we NEVER have to worry about that happening here. That is why they are always bringing up Venezulea.

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