Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Episode from 3-11-2018

Since I didn’t get to much of it in the last post, here is what I promised to start telling you about. With the sports of football, hockey, and baseball, I have anti-teams where I root for whoever is playing the team. If you are the lowest level, I always root for the team that is playing against you. If you are the next lowest level, I will only root for you if you are playing the main anti-team.

With football, I now have four anti-teams. The lowest level is the fucking Patriots who are on there for a good reason: beating the Rams in the 2002 Super Bowl. The next level anti-team is the Chicago Bears due to my distaste for all things Chicago. The third level anti-team is the Arizona Cardinals because they left St. Louis long before I cared about any teams. And now the Atlanta Falcons are anti-team four. At least they are out of the play-offs now. After the Super Bowl, I’ll get into the new four teams that I’ll be rooting for after the nine that I already do. I might even root for the Eagles after the other teams that I’m rooting for as well. I hope to explain more soon, when I'm not too busy with things.

If you have paid attention to the news: good for you. Most of the sources that I use to keep track of the news are real ones. In fact, I haven’t read The Onion in a really long time and almost don’t even care about it anymore even if it is normally funny when I’ve read it. It almost seems irrelevant in this era of Trumpism that I spend any time with news satire. He thinks that everything is fake news. But he has yet to call out something that actually was fake.

Stephen Glass is someone who made up news stories and he got in huge trouble for it, making the place he worked for (interesting, the only in-flight magazine of Air Force One) look bad when they fired him and they admitted what happened. People don’t seem to realize how bad it is to fabricate news. I have the feeling that Trump really did call countries shitholes and once the news got wind of this, he went on the usual attack. Trump is a well known liar with little to no creditability. Why would tons of different news sources be getting things wrong all the time and him be the only reliable source?

As potential Russian collusion continues to dominate the headlines, Trump continues to act guilty of something when an innocent or at least smarter person would just let the investigation happen and see what will become of it instead of trying to thwart every effort into trying to find the truth. During all this, I found a much better story that has nothing to do with the Russians that could be the end of Trump and his administration. If it is true, it would explain the October surprise by James Comey that might have been the reason Hilary Clinton lost the election.

В декабре девятнадцатого в 2016 году Time выпустил свой выбор Person of the Year, и те, которые, по их мнению, были достойны, приблизившись к нему. Их номер три был хакерами. Page 102 начинает эту историю. Время называет взлома базы данных DNC «самыми печально известными взломами после Уотергейта». Вы могли бы подумать, что это послужит напоминанием о том, что Никсон помог пробиться в место, чтобы выкопать грязь своему противнику в 1972 году. В конце концов из-за этого пришлось уйти в отставку. Мы еще не знаем наверняка, что Трамп имел какое-либо отношение к русским хакам. Но мы знаем, что русские взломали DNC и заставили их выглядеть плохо.

You might be wondering why I’m always reading Time this late. I procrastinate. Of course, you probably knew this already if you were a fan of this blog from the beginning as this is the fourth season of the show and the first time that I’m actually doing the posts shortly after a new episode aired. I try to make sure that I’m never a whole year behind on Time. But it has an interesting life. The person who first gets the copy of Time that I read is my grandfather. Then, it goes to my mother. After that, I read it. Then my brother gets it rather late yet still reads some of what he cares about.

If I left a note for him saying that I want the copy back, then I will get it back at some point which is when I will do the random paragraph in Russian that I do from time to time. Just know that you will only see one Russian paragraph per post even though I might have more written and translated before then. That is why you could get a lot. And I’ll keep doing them for as long as I want to, even if Trump has left office. People are already counting down the days like others did with Obama.

Now for something that isn’t political. You see, I had been alternating between watching seasons one of NCIS: Los Angeles and NCIS. Well, the next episode in line in NCIS: Los Angeles is a Christmas one, so I’ll be taking it out of my rotation so NCIS season 1 can stay in the main place on the list for a while. I hope that I can do the next change in time, but I think that I will be shaking things up for a while.

Now back to political things. I may alternate between random political things and random other things, but since there was such a long time without a new episode, there’s a lot to talk about. For one, there is this memo that I just don’t understand at all. Is it supposed to be downright confusing? If the answer is no, I have yet to see something to disprove that.

There is a notable schedule change to tell you about. You see, Timeless is returning and will air at the same time as this show. I’m only telling you this because I’m going to be watching Timeless like I did with 10 Days in the Valley when it aired. I just hope that Timeless comes in when I want it to.

Illinois United States Senator Tammy Duckworth is pregnant. It’s nice knowing that Ted Cruz isn’t the only baby in the senate right now. Of course, I do wonder what important votes could end up happening around the time of the baby’s birth. Knowing Republican’ts, they would wait until such a time to bring up important legislation. If only Tammy were in the Illinois senate. Then, people would vote with her switch on her behalf. Of course, they shouldn’t be doing that, yet it happens. I wish that I were making it up, but I have seen video proof of it happening.

When it comes to the rolling list of mine, The Andy Griffith Show episodes that were on the list has since been taken off. It will be replaced by Survivor: Borneo. I will tell you in this blog in a different font what all the times I roll and watch a new episode will be. This could also affect when blogs of mine, including this one, are updated. I’ll explain in other posts why posts might be changed. Also be on the lookout for political posts to start on Saturdays in the future. This makes my current list of choices Charmed season 3, Farscape season 3, NCIS season 1, Survivor: Borneo, mystery choice #2, and recorded shows on tape. Survivor is currently number four on the list.

Eric Greitens, the Republican’t governor of Missouri, seems to be in growing problems. He might have tried to do something akin to revenge porn if not exactly that. Now he was actually indicted on charges. Could he wind up being the next governor to resign? Will he be impeached? Or will this be a dent in his continuing governorship? This could even affect the completely unrelated race for US Senate in that state. Maybe I’ll have to ask my Missourian brother more about this sometime. I just don’t know if he is following the story or not. But Alabama had problems with a governor. Could Missouri be next?

You may know from reading other blogs of mine that I have a list of movies that I like to watch from. It has fallen into a bit of a state of disrepair. I have only one list now with three choices on it instead of six. I will be going back to six choices whenever I can. I’ll then be adding other lists as needed. I just know that when I roll a Survivor episode, I have to update my TV blog (although this will change if the roll is on a Saturday). And I will want other blogs not to change when they are posted.

This means that if I roll something that conflicts with the following days of the week: Thursdays (Survivor blog now, will be Elementary blog later), Wednesdays (Survivor from the end of March until around at least December), or Tuesdays (this blog, potentially, although it is subject to change and last in line), I’ll want to expand the choices and put a new movie list on one of those days.

This Trump presidency has made me feel a way that I never thought I would: I miss George W Bush. I mean, Bush might have been a bad president, but at least he was and is a nice guy. He just couldn’t really lead the country well. He might suffer from the same problems that Bruce Rauner does. Well, Bruce has the partisanship problem to deal with that I don’t think that Bush did (at least, not to the same, extreme levels that Bruce does). But I might remember Bush better than I have in the past.

I need to talk more about sports here in this blog. March Madness starts sometime this month. But I need to mention the tier two teams of football (there’s four of them to add) that I will be rooting for. I might even need to rearrange the order of the nine main ones that I root for and I’ll add the Eagles to the teams too, maybe at tier three.

Let’s see if I can quickly go through all of the political things that I think are relevant in some way or another. There is a rumor that Mitt Romney could be secretary of state, only it supposedly did not happen because the Russians didn’t approve. I don’t buy this. Romney was never a supporter of Trump. Alabama has voted to get rid of special elections. Maybe they’ll regret it someday like I hope that the Republican’ts regret doing the nuclear option for Supreme Court justices.

Speaking of that, what’s with all these rumors that Anthony Kennedy is going to retire? Is there any truth to them? And relating to gerrymandering, I’d appreciate the Democrats trying to get rid of it if only I knew that they have never benefited from it themselves. Also, the Russian trolls should learn English and not attack people in the Republican Party that they consider to be RINOs.

Republican’ts sure like to attack the Clintons as if they matter still to the general world. Even Monica Lewinsky is joining the attack by suddenly saying that her relationship with him wasn’t consensual despite having never claimed that for over 20 years thus far. But they should never be quick to point the finger at someone considering all of the issues that Stormy Daniels brings to the already complicated relationship that Trump brings to their party. If they want to look good, they wouldn’t be so quick to forgive someone who isn’t even sorry or admitting that he did something wrong.

I’m now on page four of this blog post and I have talked very little about Madam Secretary thus far. I wonder if there are some people who don’t even read this blog for the part on the show that I do always get to in non-purely political posts. Or there might be people who just ignore everything except what relates to this show in question. I wonder if I should start mentioning the cast member who left this cast to see what her future career will be now.

There’s a show called Deception that will be airing against this show. I would be interested in it, but I don’t think that I care enough. Plus, it looks like it could just be Castle with a magician instead of a writer and thus, not very original.

It turns out that there wasn’t much on tonight on TV. FOX preempted their planned programming for some dumb O J Simpson special. I could not care less about him. I think that society as a whole would be better off if they just take their obsession with the case and let it go. I don’t have an opinion about him and feel that I shouldn’t have to. I was a freaking toddler when the case was happening. Why do so many people care about something that they can’t change? If he confessed, that wouldn’t be able to overturn his innocent plea. That’s not how US law works regarding double jeopardy. I will ignore any and all things that focus on him. I shouldn’t even be writing this paragraph as that gives the impression that I do care about the whole thing.

There is something else to tell you about. I will be watching the new show Instinct when it starts. If I like it, then I’ll probably keep watching it until the end. It was supposed to start tonight, but it didn’t as they pushed it back a week. I don’t know why they changed it. But with March Madness happening and them likely to have shows delayed next week, you’d have to wonder why they cut it for an additional episode of 60 Minutes. If I had to guess, I’d say that they didn’t want ratings to be affected by the time change and thought that March Madness could boost the ratings of it.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with Alison arriving home from college for a bit to get away from a roommate that she feels is clingy. Elizabeth meets with the acting president and a person from Sri Lanka. There are spirits talking to the person who says that they shouldn’t do the whole trade deal thing. Kat seems to be the most skeptical of the whole thing. The man says that Daisy will find love again, Matt feels lonely, and Kat should accept a call from her brother. Alison arrives back at her campus where it seems that her roommate attempted suicide.

In segment two, we learn that the roommate survived what happened. This person had suffered from anxiety and depression in the past. Elizabeth is able to change the terms of the original deal so that the spirits would look kindly upon it. Alison thinks that Jason broke her nightlight which leads to a fight between the two of them. His controller is broken because of the fight.

In segment three, Alison continues to feel affected by what was going on. They bring up the family member that died because of suicide. Was that last season? I’d have to remember when it aired so that I can look it up again for more information. There are more issues with the trade deal. Matt wonders if he is the lost love of Daisy that she should wind up with.

In segment four, the roommate has to move out. China might be taking advantage of the situation with the Sri Lanki country by giving them a bad deal of some sort. Elizabeth still needs to straighten some things out for things to work out well.

In segment five, the acting president thinks that they should pull out of the trade deal since someone was trying to pull a fast one. It seems to some that they might have wasted their time with the whole deal. Maybe Matt will try to be back with Daisy again. But will it happen? Elizabeth and Henry are really concerned about Alison and she decides to live at home for at least the rest of the semester.

On the next Madam Secretary, there was a bad deal, it seems, and bad things happen because of the bad deal. What all does this mean? I don’t know. It is hard to tell for sure. Remember that new blog posts will be on Tuesdays. This was on a Wednesday because I moved it for the day in favor of another blog of mine. But these posts will be on Tuesdays until further notice. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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