Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Episode from 5-6-2018

This season is winding down and will be over soon. There might be some changes to this blog that will take place. But I should explain more in the end of the season finale’s post about what all will happen and change or could change in the future. Also, as for the two tied NFL teams in my rankings, I should look up the information that I need in the season premiere’s blog post.

В выпуске «Время» 20 марта 2017 года было по крайней мере две замечательные статьи. Начинает рассказ о своей войне с Вашингтоном. Но давайте поговорим о другой истории. Самая лучшая история этого вопроса была названа Страновой заботой Трампа о замене Obamacare. Грубо называть сторонников Трампа глупыми, но почему бы им получить все эти преимущества от Obamacare и проголосовать за человека, который продолжал говорить, что он его отменит? Это не имеет никакого смысла! Эта статья (начиная со страницы 14) проливает свет на одну из самых непонятных вещей, которые произошли в этой стране. Зачем голосовать за кандидата, который хочет избавиться от того, что вы используете? Это будет похоже на библиотечное голосование за кандидата, который хочет закрыть библиотеку в городе, в котором вы живете и работаете.

It can be sad the world that we live in when an email that you get called “Let’s Talk about Marijuana” isn’t spam. J B Pritzker, the Democrat who won the primary for governor of Illinois, wants to make it legal. But that’s a terrible idea. People have suddenly started acting like pot is no big deal and has never caused any problems. They legalized it in Colorado and now the number of traffic accidents is up. Here is a link explaining why pot is a bad idea.

There is this song that they did on Saturday Night Live that is actually quite informative, teaching me some of the things that I learned in college as well. It talks about a whole bunch of different things and one of them is relevant based on what the previous episode mentioned. Enjoy the video and see if you can see why I’m mentioning it based on the nuclear power thing mentioned somewhere in the song. Is it a good thing, nuclear power?

If you’ve been following the scandals of Missouri governor Eric Greitens, you’ll know that it seems like things are only getting worse and worse for him. Lawyers are right to be concerned that he might not get a fair trial. But since Rod Blagojevich got a fair trial in his state, I don’t see why anyone should be that concerned about that (although some concern is warranted). There are more and more problems that he’s being charged with. Will he be impeached, jailed, have to resign, or any other problem? What I’m also wondering about is how it could affect the Missouri race for Senate and the Illinois governor election. While both are unrelated for the most part, Missouri is the same state and it could have affects for anyone who has any relationship with Eric and the Illinois election would be affected by Eric who had endorsed Bruce Rauner, the incumbent governor running for reelection this year.

You probably hear about evangelists over and over again. I’m not entirely sure what they are. But as a Christian, I can probably tell you what they aren’t. They are NOT Christians. Satan is a very powerful being and one of his greatest bits of deception that he pulls is getting people to think that a certain group of people with beliefs contrary to what Christ actually taught is somehow part of the real and actual Christian church.

One of the most notorious examples of Satan’s handiwork is the Westero Baptist Cult (I call it what it really is) and it seems that even if these Trump supporters are, in fact, really Christian, then they need to relearn the bible. Trump has no credible signs of faith and does not ask for forgiveness for anything that he has done wrong. But it seems like people are blinded by anyone who is pro-life that they are willing to overlook every other problem with him or her and say that the church will always support them.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with a reporter named Neal (spelled the right way for a change) getting access to Elizabeth McCord and her team for a day. It seems like he might be more critical of her, possibly, but I can’t tell for sure. Since I know him from The Mentalist, it seems like he could suffer from the occasional curse where if I know the guest star from something, he will be evil in the episode he appears in. Cat is the most wary of him. Elizabeth is open enough saying that she has made mistakes in the past. Honestly, I wouldn’t trust a politician who thought that they never made a mistake of any kind.

In segment two, Neal is with the McCord family at their house where he stays with them for supper. Elizabeth gets a phone call which Alison says is what her being secretary of state can be like for those in her family. Neal talks to a person about how Elizabeth might have unintentionally caused the Taliban to exist in some way. A reporter for a different place that Neal openly thinks is fake wants his take on his current assignment and maybe more of what is going on.

In segment three, Neal seems to look at the file he was given by the shady reporter, against his wife’s wishes. But I can’t tell for sure what was going on there. The evil senator from this season, the one whose name sounds sort of like Moran but probably isn’t (although there is someone in the cast of the show The Resident whose first name is Moran who probably has mysteriously murdered parents) has more demands and Neal isn’t able to hear all of what goes on since someone blocks the conversation. Russell shows up again and goes on rants that Elizabeth wants to make sure are not on the record. There are files on people that seem to have their dark secrets with them but only the truly evil would ever use them, it seems.

In segment four, Elizabeth seems to have to make a bad deal and she has to do it in front of Neal who already knows too much. He listens to a speech that she gives only for Matt to point out that it isn’t what he wrote. He is conflicted and has many different feelings about what to say in his article. His wife winds up going into labor.

In segment five, Neal is there at the hospital with one of the kids that his wife just had. Elizabeth shows up and gives him a gift. The article seems to have pointed out all sides of the going ons of her team. He tells his baby that Elizabeth will be president in the future. You know, if you look back, you will find a point in time where nine future presidents were all alive at once. How many future presidents could be alive right now? And is Mike Pence one of them? Do we want him to be one of them? Neal wants to give the thumb drive with sensitive information about Elizabeth to her. She declines. Instead, he gives it to Blake, I believe. For some reason, I keep confusing Blake and Jay.

On the next Madam Secretary, there could be some sort of government crisis again. Let’s spin the wheel of all the basic plots that this show turns out. We have: international crisis, domestic crisis, family crisis, problems within the team, problems with relationships, focusing on someone or something on a more internal basis than usual, and something else entirely. Enjoy your episode! I guess that I’ll find out then what all it will be about. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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