Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Episode from 10-13-2019

There was a lot to talk about in the time between one season of this show and the next one. What I think was important for one post might not wind up in that post. Thus, I was working on the post on the second episode of the season, namely this one, at the same time as the previous post on the first one of this season. I guess that we’ll see what all winds up in which posts later.

В выпуске «Времени» от 18 июня 2018 года на стр. 32 появилась хорошая история о том, что «Тайм» назвал двумя страницами ранее «кампанию по дискредитации расследования в России [которое] может работать». В нем говорится о всевозможной лжи, которую сказал Трамп. о расследовании Мюллера, например, что в команде нет республиканцев. На самом деле, сам Мюллер «является пожизненным республиканцем», согласно странице 32. За все заявления о том, что это была охота на ведьм, до сих пор были обвинены 19 человек, «пятеро из которых признали себя виновными». Большинство людей должны понимать, что Трамп ложь слишком много, чтобы верить.

While I want to talk some about the Democratic presidential race, there’s going to be a lot to talk about with all the candidates in the race. Thus, I might only mention some candidates here and there. There are some good candidates in the race and there are some others not as good. But there is one that I want to talk about more than any other right now.

Joe Biden is a flawed candidate and I cannot fathom why people think that he is a safe or preferable choice to all the other Democrats. Hey, didn’t people think that Hillary Clinton was a safe choice? Do you remember how that turned out? Joe is not a good choice and I’m not sure why people think that he would be. I don’t entirely trust polling as much anymore and wonder if Joe might only be doing well due to his connections with Obama.

Someone who does work well in my mind is Elizabeth Warren. I don’t understand why some think that it is too late for her to be running. Isn’t she younger than Trump? I think that it is likely that she will be out next president (unless Mike Pounce ascends to the office). She has plans.

If people need more reason to support Elizabeth Warren, they can read this article here. While she is not the only good candidate in the race or the only one capable of beating Trump, she has great ideas at her town hall meetings and could do better in the race than some even Democrats are thinking that she might do now. We’ll see if she’ll be the second female president after Edith Bolling Gait.

You might here about socialism over and over again and may not know what it is. As long as it isn’t under a dictatorship, socialism can actually be good. If you want to learn more about why socialism is a good thing, read this article.

While the Democrats winning the presidency in 2020 is important, what’s also very important is that they take control of the senate, having at least 51 senators after the next election. Some of those that are running for president should be running for senate instead. This article says why.

Continuing my talk about past posts of the Good Wife blog, I must have been tame in my coverage of the pointless golf events that air on CBS including the one that almost always messes up the airtime of the shows since I didn’t call it the fucking Masters as I’m prone to doing. I do talk about the problem of bad state attorneys in office and how the show supports Hillary Clinton. I also hammer down a really important message that you shouldn’t do drugs.

Since I am thinking of Democrats in every other post, this makes me wonder what would be a good poem to think up using the new style that I have for this season. I might as well think of something and post it right here in this blog.

Doors are open to hopeful futures with liberals
Energy is needed and some of them can deliver
More of them are needed, especially in the senate
Only they care about the disadvantaged
Can they win in 2020?
Republicans should be wary
All of the country is watching
To see them do well against Trump

If there should be a theme to what should be the song of the Democratic National Convention next year, to me, the answer is simple. It should be the Who’s Won’t Get Fooled Again. Outside of the lyrics, “meet the new boss, same as the old boss,” the song is a great way of phrase that Trump shouldn’t fool us into voting for him again. Remember this saying: there’s an old saying in Tennessee (at least in Texas, probably in Tennessee) that says fool me once, shame on, shame on you. Fool me, you can’t get fooled again. I can only hope that enough people can agree.

There are probably tons of different ways to defeat Trump. And that’s even if he makes it as far as winning the nomination without being ousted sometime before then. What are the ways that they can beat Trump? There are tons of ways, actually. Don’t play their game, for one. Just read this:

Nearly two decades after the Bush versus Gore disaster in Florida, that state still has horrible issues and are going after whatever voter suppression they can. Sure felons can vote now. But now you have to pay an illegal poll tax. Or you can do what this article suggests.

While some correctly think that communism is a huge problem, what they also need to realize is that at the opposite end of the spectrum is another huge problem: fascism. Fascism also leads to problems with its own dictatorships and otherwise oppressive regimes. Trump is more fascist than people realize. And one of the Democratic presidential candidates has the sense to point it out.

If you ever hear people talking about the supposed problems of socialism, point out any of the good things about it that no one ever seems to do. Democratic socialism is not a bad thing. Just look at how much happier they are than they are here.

While this might make more sense in a Republican post, I realize that some things can work in both of them and others might have only wound up here because I was putting other stuff in this post at the time. But when I think about which party is doing more to make sure that people can vote, it is always the Democrats who want to make sure that people can vote and the Republican’ts who want to make sure as little people vote as possible as they thrive off of voter suppression. But if you are able to vote, then make sure you know what you can do to help.

Bernie Sanders may not be the candidate I vote for in the primary this time around. But he still has some very good ideas. He knows how to handle the growing threat of climate change. Everyone should be finding a way of addressing the issue and he has a good one.

Due to all the madness with the US Supreme Court which has been stuck with a conservative majority for at least four decades, I’ve been wondering what other state Supreme Courts might have this same issue. Well, one of the most important states in terms of elections in Ohio. And we need them on our side before redistricting. So I can only hope that they get this seat.

If you ever hear people complain about politicians for apologizing, know that these people are morons. If someone does something wrong, they should apologize for it. To not do it makes one cold. Thus, when Elizabeth Warren tries to fix the ancestry issue of hers that we’ll probably never hear the end about from the racists Republicans, she is doing the right thing. This article explains more.

While I didn’t really do a real post called How to Argue with Republicans, if I ever did one on their styles of arguing they commonly use, one of them would be about their tendency to try to change the topic to best fit their interests. Knowing this is one thing. Not playing by their rules is another. But it seems that Elizabeth Warren, still my probable primary vote, knows how to keep the focus where it should be in the end. She is making sure that the real point gets across.

While most people do not remember either vice-presidents or candidates who don’t win elections for office, they should remember some of them as they might have done more good than people who did win their way to higher office. Al Gore has done a lot of good for this country and a lot of us do not even realize it. As Cole Oyl would say if he were Al Gore, “you owe me an apology.”

It used to be more rare to hear from people on the Supreme Court about what they thought of the world. We only knew their sides in cases, but knew little to nothing else about what they think of the world at large. Whether it is due to some unwritten rule or some other reason entirely, I don’t know yet for sure. But what I do know is that when you do hear from them, you hear quite a lot. The modern Supreme Court just seems to be a way of letting Trump or the Republicans have too much power. They have been doing a lot of unusual things lately because of Trump. And Sonia Sotomayor has the sense to point this out and warn us.

So many candidates make mistakes with what they do. Some are even rewarded as their mistakes are just downright ignored and forgiven without any guilty from the other person. But someone will do what they should if they are actually a good person.

A ton of great things can and have happened with Democrats in charge. As they did in 2018, it seems that the Republicans are resorting to terrible fear mongering and misinformation as to why they don’t think that the Democrats should have power. I’m getting further and further detached from the party as they continue to dominate the supposedly liberal news cycle.

While the health care system in our country is much better than what it was a decade ago, it still has all sorts of issues that simply boil down to people wondering how it will be paid for. What a lot of people do not want to accept is that higher taxes can often help us pay for what needs paid. It has been proven in the past of our country and the present of other countries. Even if we don’t want to raise taxes, there are still other ways of paying for it. Then there are also questions not asked like why no one seems to care that other stuff is paid for or, in this case, how can we not pay for it?

If the terrible and appalling Brett Kavanaugh fiasco wasn’t bad enough, there now seems to be one more reason after another why he should be removed from the court. There is now another witness in the whole case who gives us good reason to not let someone of his statue on the court. This could be a benefit to the Democratic Party. There’s at least two stories about it that are good to read.

The current movie watching list: Saturday’s is Adventures in Babysitting, crossover tape, Madagascar with commentary, Nature Documentaries, The Omega Code 2, and The Sound of Music. Sunday’s list is Copacabana, The Lion King 1 ½, Our Lips are Sealed, Rat Race, Shrek 2, and Titanic. I did not have time to watch a movie over the weekend so the list remains the same this time.

Continuing the topic of unethical judges, there needs to be punishment for them in some way for when they do bad things. Once again, it is Elizabeth Warren who has good ideas about what to do with them to ensure that they don’t remain a huge problem.

I forget if I’ve mentioned this story before. I might have or might not have. But a US military veteran was deported despite fighting for our country. The story has a happy ending as he is now back in the US and is officially a citizen of this country now.

Due to a job that I was doing earlier today, I do not know how much of shows I’ll be able to see before and even during primetime. I just know that I’ll probably be back in time to watch this show and blog about it like I normally would. I wish I could say that this might be the only weird thing that will happen during any of the last episodes of this, but I won’t know for sure.

I was able to get home at a good enough time to see things before primetime. I turn on one of my CBS affiliates and they are airing a game of the Dallas Texans versus the New York Jets. The Jets are winning. Shows are planned to be delayed for at least half an hour. I tune into FOX and they are airing a game of the Rams versus the 49ers. The Rams are losing. This season hasn’t been as good for them thus far. My other CBS affiliate is showing the same game that the Texans are playing.

Here is what the EPG says is the description of the 60 Minutes episode is: Therapeutic use of psychedelics; the mass protests in Hong Kong aimed at the Chinese government; Nobel Peace Prize winner Nadia Murad and attorney Amal Clooney. The first one sounds maybe interesting, but I do not think that I’ll be watching it.

The 49ers have 20 points and the Rams have 7. I switch between that game and the one on CBS. The Jets are still winning the game. Have you seen it yet? They’ve gotten safety helmets, running shoes, yes I saw it on TV. Texans and the Jets. Would Elton John be proud of this attempted reference? With the CBS game, something happened that caused the Texans to get two random points. I don’t get it.

Despite attempts at changing how the game could go and coming close to changing the tide, the Texans lose the game. At least they went down fighting and trying hard. I do not yet know for sure what had happened with the Rams game, but imagine that they lost as I don’t think that they could have changed the tide. By the time I flip back to FOX, they are airing a Simpsons rerun that they join in progress. It ends and they start airing a rerun of Bob’s Burgers. I will watch this episode I’ve seen before while it seems like the 60 Minutes episode starts 30 minutes late as originally planned.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 30 minute delay. We begin with Daisy addressing the public about the Iran scandal and other things. There was a fire and other issues that caused gas prices to go up. We then get to Elizabeth talking to her husband about things when Russell comes back in. There is a good deal with Russia that Elizabeth keeps talking about. Russell seems to have issues with his assistant. We then get to Mike and Russell talking to each other with a woman, the chief of staff, in there as well also part of the conversation. Russell wanted to keep Elizabeth out of the loop on an issue.

Stevie has an awkward conversation with a possibly random guy. Did she just turn into Kara Danvers or why is she so awkward? Mike talks to Leonard Snart or someone who looks like him who is part of a special hearing into Elizabeth. She is walking on her way to the presidential car when she talks to the press about different issues. She wants to address climate change. And she will be doing the first pitch at a Mets game. Also, this show may now be called Madam President at times.

In segment two, Elizabeth is on her way to some event. She is learning about various things worthy of being told about for some reason. Mike wonders what all to talk about. The flashbacks that I’m guessing will happen all of this season has Elizabeth trying to save a dying bird. This is when she is on the verge of having a breakdown on her way to Portland. There is a funeral for the bird. I’m guessing that this is when they say bye, bye birdie.

Back in the present, Elizabeth prepares for the first pitch in the White House and breaks a light that is there. Why are they doing this in the White House? I guess they are more likely to be noticed outside. Stevie talks about the guy she was on a date with. Mike talks about missing the Portland event due to the dead bird. She is then meeting with a senator or former senator who appears to have some memory issues. Elizabeth wants to continue with the planned event. Mike finds this person dead.

In segment three, Mike says that the men’s room is out of order on a note while Jay comes and takes Elizabeth away from what is going on. Mike called 9-1-1 from a pay phone and explains his rushed and strange reaction to what went on then. Back in the present, Elizabeth hits the mascot by mistake when throwing out the first pitch and there is a lot of booing before the obvious dream is revealed. She then works on practicing the pitch. Dmitri also calls Henry about possibly getting back with Stevie and he reveals this to his wife. Will they tell Stevie?

In segment four, Elizabeth signs the Russia bill into law. I can’t get what all happens with Russell as he wanted to keep something from his wife since she was milking a person for information. One of the aids noticed this. There was a tire pressure issue that leads to protests including at the baseball stadium. Meanwhile, the person Stevie went on a date with who knew a lot about her family sent a lot of videos to her phone and other info that Stevie likes. Elizabeth wants to back out of the tax. She goes through the pitch without incident. Henry and Russell talk about the tax and we wonder what exactly she will have to do in the end.

In segment five, Elizabeth talks to her staff about various things. She wants to rollback the gas tax. And Russell tries to talk her out of it, even though she still wants to do it. The one assistant from earlier seems to have been dismissed for some odd reason. This was over answering a phone. The woman that I know has shown up before in the show gives him harsh words and this somehow leads her to getting hired by him.

Stevie is out with a person and posts a picture of it on social media that, of course, Dmitri notices. Mike then continues to tell the story of what happened on the campaign trail. She went on to her event where an emotional woman talks about the opioid crisis and gives Elizabeth a hug. This helped her poll numbers do better. Mike seems to be accused of the death of the senator since the possible loss of his endorsement would have been bad for her campaign. Elizabeth learns that they are going after any and all of her potential issues, not just the Iran scandal.

On the next Madam Secretary, there is an arms race going on and other issues, of course, that are going on. We’ll see what all happens. I need to spend some time sleeping soon and get caught up on all that I need to do, including writing in the next post what wasn’t written in the last post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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