Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Episode from 10-14-2018

Now that I’m keeping the readers of this blog updated on the TV show watching that I do and the movie watching that I do, I do wonder where in the blog I should tell you about these things. Maybe I should keep you posted in the introduction what I should do with some of them. But I like putting things in this blog that aren’t out and open in the introduction that people who only see parts of this on facebook will never know about. That’s why the political parts of this aren’t in the introduction.

There is a relative of mine who sometimes comes a week and lives here while doing other things in the meantime. It can take up a lot of time and I might not be able to watch everything I want to. This could affect my blogs. I am going to copy this message in other blogs of mine so they will know. Blogs might wind up being later than I want them to be in terms of when they are posted as long as these people are here. I’ll write notes about what happened if there are changes. The rotation that I have on Mondays will not be affected as long as I can help it. Sorry if things are confusing as a result.

Соответственно названная ненависть в Америке, посвященная «Время», появившаяся 28 августа 2017 года, говорила о неудачах Трампа, чтобы обратиться к иронически названному «Объединить правильное ралли». Как сказано на стр. 26, Трамп «больше беспокоился о очень прекрасных людях, возражающих против удаления статуй, чем женщина, которая была убита» из-за протестов. На странице 27 он продолжает указывать на партийность, которая происходит в стране, заявляя, что они «отрицают факты других [и] не могут переваривать источники новостей друг друга ...». Провалы Трампа в этом событии - это то, почему я начал носить защитный штырь на моей рубашке. Большинство из них рассказывают об этом человеке, который всегда осуждает «поддельные новости», когда, согласно стр. 35, «он ... переиздал расистский мему с ложной статистикой о черных преступлениях против белых, [тогда] он отказался исправить информацию [говоря] «Пусть они узнают, правильно это или нет». Зачем распространять фальшивые новости, когда вы якобы против этого?

I will do an update into an election from a while ago and talk about the Iowa governor race. The winner of the Republican primary was Kim Reynolds. The winner of the Democratic primary was Fred Hubbell. The winner of the libertarian primary was Jake Porter. I’m not even sure that it is worth mentioning this race again because I’d decided that I don’t care. Kim seems fine to me so I’m not against her. I also don’t see a problem with Fred. I wouldn’t vote for Jake unless I decided that I didn’t care enough about this election compared to others. Of course, I can’t vote in this state anyways. You can make up your own mind about this and if you are from Iowa and have an opinion, be sure to share it here.

Like many people, I have lost all respect that I honestly used to have for Susan Collins. She was on the right side of the health care debate and then on the wrong side of the tax code bill. Now she thinks that Christine Ford could have been attacked, just not by Brett Kavanaugh. I just don’t see what is wrong with all of the people who voted for him. They acted like it was a partisan issue when there was an issue of whether or not someone accused of sex crimes should be on the Supreme Court. I’ll get more into the Democratic flipper who voted for him next time.

Susan Collins seemed like a moderate
Often on both sides of politics
A decision she made
Seemed like she misbehaved
And now, she doesn’t seem so great

With hurricane Matthew having hit Florida, it was said to be one of the strongest hurricanes to have hit the US ever. We’ve had at least 5 serious hurricanes hitting us in just this year and last one. I shouldn’t turn this into a political issue, but I will. Climate change is real. This is one of the many reasons why this is happening. Also, I doubt this is the wrath of God on the Trump administration, but it is odd how after Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the court, less than a week later, a hurricane strikes.

How will Brett fit in with the other justices? Well, Clarence Thomas was accused of sexual harassment and still wound up on the Supreme Court. Clarence has now been on the bench longer than any other justice. I don’t want to downplay sexual harassment, but I will say that it doesn’t seem nearly as bad as what Brett was accused of. People are already wanting to impeach Brett, but I don’t want someone to be removed from office because they aren’t liked unless they lost reelection or renomination. But it might lead to the saying, “what goes around comes around,” and the fact that he argued for Clinton’s impeachment earlier in his life. This makes me wonder if he will butt heads with Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer, the Clinton appointees on the Supreme Court.

I have a Halloween decoration idea that I doubt I would do at my house. It would be a tombstone that says, “Rest in peace, Anthony Kennedy.” He’s not dead, but he is dead to me. Now I think that there should be a lot of people mentioned on tombstones as dead to people who can go up on October 1st and stay as a decoration until after Election Day every year. Just make sure that people know that you are not threatening these people so try to be in good taste when you do it.

Even though Jim Crow laws were outlawed a while ago, voter suppression lives on in this country. There is an example of it happening in North Dakota, a huge potential swing state for the election for senate. Maybe it is just me, but I’ve never heard of people trying to get rid of voting power for those who would normally vote for Republican’ts. But if it affects minorities, it sure seems like the wrong is quick to get rid of any and all power for potential Democratic voters to vote at all.

Movie update: Enchanted is watched and replaced by The Emperor’s New Groove. Minions was rolled but not watched like originally planned, due to a last minute visit by family members taking up the time that it would have normally happened at. A home video was watched and remains on the list for later. That’s all the movie updates for this week.

There is a Pepsi product boycott that’s going on. This is due to their association with the NFL and the fact that people don’t like their protests. This gives me another thing to anti-boycott as I should now get all the Pepsi products that I like.

I tune into my main CBS affiliate and they are showing a game of the Dallas Cowboys versus the Jaguars from Jacksonville. The Cowboys are winning by a lot. It’s a shame that I’d root for the Jaguars between the two. But at least every football team this season has at least one win thus far. CBS is doing one of their doubleheaders today so the soonest shows will start at is 30 minutes late.

I switch to FOX and they are showing a game of the Rams versus the Denver Broncos. The Rams have 20 points and the Broncos have 13. They were planning on being done with shows by six, but they have nothing new to air until seven anyways.

My other CBS affiliate is airing the same game as the one that I normally like to watch. I will stick with the Rams game, for now at least. I might as well talk about some of the changes that are going on with the schedule in question. You see, the CW is now airing shows on Sundays for the first time in around a whole decade. One of them is a remake of the show Charmed. I plan to talk about it at least once in my YouTube channel that I have now. It might be hard keeping up with certain shows.

The Rams get a field goal, raising their points to 23. The Broncos then get possession of the ball and their point total goes to 20. But the game randomly ends even though there is time on the clock that they just let run out. I do not understand this, do you? But at least the Rams remain undefeated.

CBS is showing post game coverage so I can only assume that they are done with the game and thus, the Cowboys had to have won the game. They had far too much of a lead to have lost it in the end. With me not interested in 60 Minutes tonight due to them being late and them airing an interview with Trump, I decide to watch a rerun of The Cool Kids that is on. As for the rest of primetime, you don’t need to be concerned with what I watch outside of this show.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 30 minute delay. We begin with people in a store of some sort. I do not know or understand what non bomb purpose a pressure cooker has. The person is pulled over, this random guy. But they find suspicious stuff in his car despite possibly lacking probable cause. We then get to the funeral of June from the last episode. At least they are given decency to this character, even if there was little to nothing known about her before this episode. Jason might have been insensitive in an absent minded way. Nathan is the name of the guy who was pulled over. I don’t know why this is a crisis that Elizabeth has to be informed about. Elizabeth doesn’t want to set a bad precedent by charging the guy. In yet another Skype meeting with an international person, Elizabeth talks to a person about issues at hand. This might be a different one other than Nathan. It is hard to keep track of everything.

In segment two, Stevie goes to work as normally. It must be like people at the Pentagon the day after 9/11. Russell and Henry talk to each other about Conrad wanting Henry’s help with something. Elizabeth talks to her team about possibly censoring Poland’s voting rights. Nathan is talked to about in a room of some sort. I think that Henry is watching it and talks to Russell about it.

Elizabeth talks to Mr. Foreign Guy who is a President of some country of some sort. Not everything is explained as well as it should be in this show. Who is this Alex person that they want to surrender? Elizabeth is told to proceed in a very cautious manner. As usual, she is levelheaded during the crisis.

In segment three, more people talk about whatever the situation is that is happening. Stevie is at the hospital due to different issues. The Poland people are keeping a guy that the FBI wants to grab. We do not get the reasons for everything. At least, I can’t tell it all for sure. My mother is vacuuming upstairs and it is hard to keep track of everything even with captions on. Elizabeth’s team talks more about the attack on the White House. Elizabeth wants Alex, or Alek as the captions say, to be turned in. There is then an under the radar attack going on. Russia beat them to the mark.

In segment four, Stevie gets back from the hospital. She has collapsed in the street although I don’t get this place that she was at. Elizabeth winds up asleep on the couch. Stevie wanted to go back to work even though her doctor wasn’t really okay with it. She doesn’t like how she left things with June. But Elizabeth offers words of support.  Henry talks to Nathan. I don’t know much of what to say about all of this episode as Nathan gets focus, but not much, while Alek gets nothing much mentioned yet still gets focused a lot as well. Nathan thinks that we are the soldiers of Odin. He thinks that Europeans are the smarter people than Asians. He is against multiculturalism.

He knows nothing about Alek or any of the attack on the White House. It is biased nonsense, this IQ alternative fact. But I doubt people would realize it. Once people are convinced of lies, the truth doesn’t make any sense to them anymore. Nathan spits on Henry and wishes that Elizabeth were dead. They cut the scene short so we don’t see what happens next. It would seem that foreign governments are blamed for other issues. Henry is in the situation room talking about Nathan and other issues. Henry could not find any link that Nathan might have to a foreign power of some sort. But we can’t tell just yet what issues he might have besides being downright crazy.

In segment five, we get to the opening of a new NATO center. Alek is dead and people think that she might have had something to do with it. But does she? I guess that we will see later. She talks to the one foreign leader who doesn’t seem to agree on the issue. Russell had wanted Henry to turn on this person and Conrad wants Henry to be an ethics advisor. Russell blames himself for the attack, or, at least, the people who were attacked due to summer vacation happening. Russia was helping Alek. That’s what Elizabeth thinks at least. He doesn’t want her to make accusations without proof. She thinks that there is a Russian who wants to make sure that chaos happens. They wanted to end nuclear war. What is an RPG anyways? I always knew them as role playing game.

On the next Madam Secretary, it seems that Elizabeth gets to do jury duty or might not get to do it if she winds up doing something important. They don’t seem to always be smart with jury duty. I would love to do it, but doubt that it would happen. I have a condition that it would make it hard to put up with me in a courtroom. I should be back at a fairly normal time next week. I scheduled this in advance, even if it was just two days in advance. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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