Thursday, October 4, 2018

Politics: Following the Missouri Senate Race: 2018 Edition

Before I get to this post today, I might as well explain why you are seeing this post today. You see, I had a rule that if the last post in the blog published list of the most recent 25 things had 0 readers, I would update the next blog in line. If it applied to my Survivor blog, then I would have to post my TV blog. If it applied to my TV blog, I would have to start this one or update it. If this was the blog that had 0, I would updated my Good Wife blog. If it’s the Good Wife blog, then it would apply to my CSI: Cyber blog.

I’m still not at the point as I should tell you that I changed the rule so it would be the lowest read blog post at the bottom instead of the one with zero posts. That applied to my TV blog. While it had happened on Monday, I wound up having to post another update of it on Tuesday before I could get to this post the day after my Survivor blog is updated. This is why I’m writing this post today. Let’s get to the post in question.

I’m telling you about the Missouri election for US senate in another special post about it. I had done some writing about this in preparation for a regular post where I was going to mention it. So I will take this and other things I had elsewhere and post it in this post.

Let’s get to the Missouri senate race now that the primary has happened. Claire McCaskill easily won the Democratic primary and Josh Hawley won the Republican primary. Both were acting like they had won already long before the primary and it’s possible that no one else got votes as no one knew who the other people are. I never liked Josh and figure he is terrible for the senate.

The most worrisome thing about him isn’t his lawsuit trying to end coverage for people with pre-existing conditions. It’s his ties to dark money. Eric Greitens had resigned due to dark money being fair game. The attempted extortion or revenge porn didn’t do it and neither did investigations into a possibly fraudulent charity. We don’t want to see the same issue there again.

What makes this interesting is that Josh was against Eric for many reasons after scandals broke out against him. And yet they are both doing dark money links. Is that something one can’t refuse? I would do whatever I could to never get dark money in my campaign if I were running for office.

Getting back to this regular post in question, I will talk some about the candidates for office. As stated before, the Democrat in the race is incumbent Claire McCaskill. I think that she has done a very good job in the senate thus far and I want her to continue doing it.

Josh Hawley is the Republican in the race. There are many things that he is rightfully criticized for. Just two years ago when he successfully ran for attorney general, he complained in an ad that people just want to use one office to climb to another. That’s exactly what he is doing now. Plus, if his state likes him in his current job, then they can’t vote for him for the senate as he will not be able to continue being attorney general.

Of course, I also have to mention who the third party candidates in the race. Japheth Campbell is a libertarian in the race. Jo Crain is the green party candidate in the race. Craig O’Dear is the independent candidate in the race. There’s not much else to state about them as I don’t think that they have any experience in office and those often aren’t good candidates.

Another insert that I took from elsewhere to put in this post is from a facebook conversation after being asked to name 12 reasons that one should vote for Claire McCaskill. I may yet put this in a letter to the editor to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. I’ll see if I can get one last letter in before the midterms happen.

12 Reasons to Like Claire McCaskill

#1 A willingness to work with members of the other party. #2 Going after human traffickers. #3 Used to prosecute arsonists. #4 Worked to criminalize martial rape. #5 Is against mass shootings. #6 Has worked to help victims of rape in the military. #7 Voted for common sense legislation that would ban those on the terrorist watch list from buying guns. #8 Wants to keep net neutrality. #9 Works to avoid spreading misinformation about elections. #10 Has done a great deal working to stop the opioid epidemic. #11 Has continuously worked in the senate despite being diagnosed with breast cancer. #12 A loyalty to where she comes from.

Now, going back to more of an analysis of people in the race, I’m going to talk more about Josh. He is against those with pre-existing conditions by filing a lawsuit to end protections for them. I do not understand why anyone thinks that people like that shouldn’t have coverage. I say fuck them since they don’t care about us. Josh is trying to claim that he’s not against this, but he is and there are sources that say he is for it.

There are some good things about him that I’ll get to later. One of them that I’ll get to now is that he’s investigating facebook for their data breach scandal. I doubt that he is the only person who is investigating the scandal. I hope that he’s not the only one.

I fear that if he’s sent to the senate, he will just be another rubber stamp on the very dangerous Trump administration. He want to build the wall that we don’t need and wouldn’t keep out the 48% of illegals who come by airplane. He also supports Brett Kavanaugh and complains about the attempts to delay the vote as if rape allegations aren’t a good enough reason. He got the endorsement of Trump which is a poison for me.

Speaking of sexual problems, Josh seems to think that human trafficking can be blamed on the sexual revolution. There is no evidence to support this. This might be the only stupid thing that he has said and you’d think that Claire would use this in ads, but maybe it isn’t the same thing as the legitimate rape comments were last time she ran.

Of course, there are some good things about Josh. He’s working to help rape victims by getting rid of the backlog of untested rape kits. He’s also doing whatever he can to stop the problem of opioids in the country. Of course, Claire also supports such things. A bill that she supported that would help victims of sex crimes passed the senate unanimously. These are such things that one wouldn’t be against anymore due to just general common sense.

What some people may not realize is that Claire is very moderate. She has voted with Trump 47% of the time. That is a lot of times for a Democrat to support Trump’s side, especially in this whole hyper partisan day and age.

I’m going to end with my endorsement. If you are a Missourian and want to vote for the best one in the race, you should vote for Claire McCaskill. She is a great candidate, great person, and has done a lot of good in office. She can continue to do good work. Josh just don’t have any good appeal as he attacks Claire and defends himself saying mostly untrue things. I like Claire a lot and would love for her to be president in the future. I just hope that she at least stays on in the senate as she’s being doing such a great job.

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