Monday, April 15, 2019

Episode from 4-14-2019

It seems like this season is probably winding down. This might be the first time that they are not airing any of it during May sweeps. I don’t know the finale schedule for sure yet. I also hope that the episode set for Palm Sunday actually airs then and isn’t delayed any. Now I have cheats as to when I can update my TV blog without having to watch an episode of Survivor on DVD that day.

I don’t have any that apply to the month of April. I will have them from May through October. But I do have to roll for an episode of Survivor: Borneo and watch it this month and I’m going to cut back on some of the movie watching that I would otherwise be doing as a result. I still might roll for movies when I blog about a show that day of the week. I can also get back to updating it weekly in the future if I get the roll this month to happen at a certain time. I may just update it the last day of the month if I just want to and haven’t been able to see it before then. We’ll see what happens.

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There is a man in politics that you might have heard about recently called Adam Schiff. I thought that I would do research to try to make sense of why some Republicans were wanting him to resign. Well, he is a Democrat that has been responsible for some of the special counsel investigation into Russia. Why are they wanting him to resign? I’ve no idea. Trump is wanting all of the Democrats who had been part of the Russia investigation to be tried for treason. I’d ask what more ridiculous thing Trump could say or do, but now, it’s not a matter of if but when, where, how, and what.

Why is this so ridiculous? Well, let’s see. Let’s say that the police investigated you for a crime and after all their investigation was over, they decided not to file any charges against you. If you wanted them to be put in jail when they were DOING THEIR JOBS, you’d be a lunatic who should be institutionalized. Well, let’s not go that far. But seriously, Trump wanting people jailed for doing something that was in fact within their rights to do, he’s trying to rewrite the law to benefit him. So many of his supporters did want him because they hated how government was working, I, personally, would prefer that there still be a government left after he’s out of office. Read this story for more info.

I’m a fan of Adam Schiff
But he causes a rift
The wrong tries to rid
In another bid
Full of complete utter shit

I might like Adam Schiff more because he’s named Adam and it’s good to know that there is a good Adam that’s a Democrat in office. There’s also a good Adam who’s a Republican named Adam Schnelting who is a state representative in Missouri. I know him personally and would gladly vote for him if he did live in my district. But I don’t live in that state (yet) so there’s not much of a point in mentioning him, but I do think that he’s a nice person. I might need to learn more about him if I can.

Now going back to the topic of Trump, I’ve started to realize that he is more of a bully that some people can realize. Some bullies are known for cowering in the face of someone standing up to them. Basically, he can dish out insults, but can’t take them. He criticized Obama as much as he wanted to yet doesn’t think that he should be criticized now that he has the same job. Maybe he thinks that he should be the only president who shouldn’t be criticized. Maybe he is deluding himself the way all his supporters are where they are convinced that he’s some sort of god who can do no wrong. He’s done a whole bunch of terrible things, but his supporters will never admit that or see it that way.

I’ve got a lot to talk about in this post since it is Trump and the Republican’s time to be largely talked about in this blog post. I might as well get through all of them that I hopefully can. I might not do a lead-in to all of these articles, but I will mention some of them. One might wonder why someone would still be a Republican after all the terrible things they keep doing over and over again.

What do they stand for? Well, they don’t seem to stand for the everyman. Instead, they stand for the rich corporations, NRA, and anyone who wants to advance their own agenda. In fact, they have done quite a lot of damage starting when Ronald Reagan took office.

One horrible thing that they’ve done is publically supported not one but two people accused of sexual misconduct and offer terrible reasons why they should be supported still. In Georgia, the GOP is trying to rationalize the idea that one shouldn’t have suffer from being accused of misconduct because it turns out that the accused criminals are actually the victims here.

Georgia is far from the only state that’s doing terrible things with the law. A lot of them are doing their forms of voter suppression in some way. I can only hope that if you live in any of these states, that you are not only informed by these links, but are able to stop any of this.

What can be different than the damage that some states are doing are the damages being done to a state by the leader of this country. Ohio is one of the most pivotal states regarding the electoral college and not one Republican who has run for president won the election while losing Ohio. You’d think that Trump would know about a pivotal swing state like that and its powers. He’s given all the more reason for someone like John Kasich to run for office. But at least if he continues doing this, then his likelihood of not winning reelection would become more and more of a certainty.

What probably helps Trump is the fact that there’s a news network that some people exclusively rely on instead of keeping up with various news sources like any good person should. We’ll see if the madness works again, because some would say that it has already begun.

Another problem with Trump is that he doesn’t seem to know what ideas were originally his or not. He might think that everything that he has ever said was originally his and most of us would know that he was not the person who said such things in the past. Here’s proof that he’s stealing things.

One of the reasons that I can’t get behind Republicans is that they don’t seem to care about those that have disabilities. They don’t want those with pre-existing conditions to have health care coverage, which I can only view as a major fuck you to people with autism and various other conditions. I could wake up tomorrow and Obamacare could be gone with no replacement. Here are two articles about why they should know better than what they do regarding those with disabilities.

The biggest problem I’ve seen thus far in this day and age with Republicans is how they are handling the judicial branch of government. It is shameful how they are handling things with it. I don’t even know why people would support their extremist ways with it. Nowadays, they are doing a rush job, the likes of which you’d see college students on a tight deadline do. They are far worse than procrastinators and only do that once they are in the minority. Trust me. They’ll be all in favor of handling the judge process slowly when a Democrat is president again. My worst fear going into the 2020 election would be that there is another Supreme Court vacancy that they would take advantage of.

From March of 2020 onward, they should be following their own past advice and not putting someone on the Supreme Court if there’s a vacancy. But there’s no way they would do that if that situation were to actually arise. I mean, Trump thought that someone like Scalia should replace Scalia. But he didn’t try to get a moderate to replace Anthony Kennedy, may he rest in peace. Honestly, I’d be more comfortable dealing with a member of ISIS then Republicans appointing judges as at least what ISIS does is illegal and not how our flawed government works.

Now to talk about something that isn’t politics: here’s a look back at another old blog post of mine. Here is another old episode of Elementary. I talked about putting it on tape and how I still use a VCR. I also did mention the show of iZombie which will be starting its final season soon and will air on Thursdays early this summer. It was one of those days where a storm affected the watching of shows as I also put the first season finale of The Resident on tape that night as well.

Now if you remember earlier, I talked about what I felt were the nominees for the Golden Gooseberry Awards, which are my awards for the worst in American politics. Well, it is about time that I get to the winners of those awards. Look at the first post this year for the nominees.

The brainless award: Donald Trump

The heartless award: Mitch McConnell

The cowardly lion award: Jeff Flake

Worst Supreme Court decision: Husted versus Randolph Institute

Hall of shame: the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh

Sadly didn’t win: Stacey Abrams

Sadly left office: Joe Donnelly

Worst election winner: Brian Kemp

The sore loser award: Scott Walker

Worst Congressman: Paul Ryan

Worst Senator: Mitch McConnell

Worst governor: Scott Walker

The good riddance award: Scott Walker

The dead to me award: Anthony Kennedy

Worst politician: Mitch McConnell

I finally made the time to check out a video that a YouTube channel called Legal Eagle did on the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. He makes a lot of good points in it. I wish that he could have said more on it than he did, but I think that he did a fairly good job at the whole dissecting of what was going on with some of the issues at hand.

Now let’s get to the last update on March Madness of this year. When I last updated you on this, it was the elite eight game that Michigan State had won. This was one of only two games where I root for any of the teams that win it. Thus, it avoided being an anti-team as it then faced off against Texas Tech in the semi-finals. It lost to Texas Tech that team became an anti-team against the remaining three teams in the tournament that were all anti-teams. At least one was going to lose the championship game. And Texas Tech lost to Virginia. The good news is that anti-teams are always reset at the end and I’ll have none of them next year. As for the teams that I root for, I can only hope that they can win.

Movie update: On Monday, I watched Despicable Me 2. I replaced that with Despicable Me 3. I chose not to watch a move on Tuesday. On Friday, a family visit prevented me from watching anything that long. The same thing happened on Saturday. On Sunday, I watched Enchanted. I replaced that with the movie Ghost Town. I didn’t watch a movie on Monday or Tuesday. On Friday, I watched my grade school graduation DVD. I replaced that with the high school graduation one of mine. On Saturday, I watched Power Rangers: The Ultimate Rangers. I replaced that with North by Northwest. On Sunday, I watched Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It will be replaced by The Little Mermaid.

You might know or have kept track of facebook election countdowns that I do. After mentioning the last one, I noticed that a comment came from someone in Wisconsin and a like on his comment came from someone in Indiana. I am waiting until I see in my memories a mention of the most recent midterms in the countdown to do add first a countdown to someone in 2022 then someone in 2024. These people would not be from these states, but instead, would be from other ones.

There is no one that I want to count down towards from Wisconsin for 2020. But there will be in 2022. There won’t be again in 2024. As for Indiana, there is someone I’m already counting down towards in 2020 and there will be one each in both 2022 and 2024. I was still going to start by mentioning largely unrelated people for now, but might mention people from these two states more in the future. I might also countdown to when these state primaries are happening as well.

Before I continue, I should note that since Eric Grietens resigned and I would have otherwise been donating to his opponent in 2020 were he still in office, I might reassign his donation to some other man or woman in the future. I also think that Eric Holcomb might be term limited if he wins reelection, but I am not yet sure of this and will have to check later. Besides, I don’t have to worry about this if he does not win reelection anyways, which is the goal for now.

Tonight is the night of the fucking Masters. Why do the fucking Masters have to air on TV? They are so dumb and I hate it so much that I have a hard time referring to it as something other than the fucking Masters. It relates to golf and is utterly pointless. I can’t even try to root for someone to win this as it does not have any part that I care about like basketball or even football. I don’t think that much of it was delayed this time as it has caused a 16 minute delay one year and an hour delay another year. I do not think that there is much of a delay this year yet. I think that last year wasn’t bad either. I’ll see if there is a delay on TV at all.

Today’s episode is brought to you by seemingly no delay. We begin with sort of chaos at the McCord house as the kids have to go upstairs and Elizabeth talks about what to do regarding her impending run for president. Russell shows up and says that a rumor of an old affair between Elizabeth and Conrad that had supposedly happened when they were both in the CIA.

She doesn’t want to have the idea that she had slept her way to the top to be out there. She was told to ignore the story so it would die down and go away as a result. Elizabeth hears another story about a jet possibly being sold to a poor country and she has to address this head on in some way. I’m not sure why this is important. And here I was thinking that it could be a better episode.

Blake talks to Daisy about the story about the affair. Elizabeth talks to Ming. This relates to the private plane selling that I don’t quite understand. Elizabeth is then shown footage of a man who is running for president who has racist ways, it seems. They don’t have to be so on the nose with this. This relates to the planes in some way. What?

In segment two, Elizabeth gets home and she doesn’t want to talk about the rumors of an affair when she is more worried about McAllister, the controversial man running for office. Elizabeth expects to be attacked a lot during the election cycle. But aren’t these attacks more than what you’d typically hear from a real election cycle? One of the women doesn’t want to work with the acting secretary and she tells Cat that she doesn’t want to work with him due to rumors of problems with him.

Elizabeth talks to Peter and feels that they should call what was going on in whatever place genocide based on what happened in Rwanda. Henry reads the article when it drops and then meets with some woman that might have information about what could have happened and who could have done this to her. Did it relate to someone at the CIA? Henry says that he talked to Isabelle, this woman, and talks about how she didn’t say she knew about the rumors that she joked about with her. He thinks that this woman might have started the rumor. Governor Hayes from Massachusetts then shows up, wanting to discuss Elizabeth’s plans.

In segment three, Governor Hayes talks about how horrible Owen McAlister is for the Republican Party and he wants Elizabeth to run under this party instead of her own. It took them this long in order to say which party people were from in this show? She talks about this with Blake and this random person that I cannot remember despite him showing up from time and time again. She shows irritation with some of the Republican party ideals, but her campaign manager (I think that’s who he is) feels that she could in fact work with them and be their nominee.

Elizabeth then talks to the woman who is white and has redish hair and glasses. This woman does not want to work with the acting secretary as there are people accusing him of misconduct. Elizabeth wants to look at the names and allegations, but not reveal who they are. Elizabeth then talks to Isabella about how the article. Not much can be gathered from that yet.

In segment four, the news is on and they talk about an immigration bill that Jason gets upset about. We then get to Cat talking to the man who might become secretary of state. He gets upset about it and I do not remember what his name is.

The problem with a country (Myanmar?) relates to them turning tanks on their own people. While talking about this issue, Elizabeth talks to Conrad about whether she was favored by him or not. He explains that he did, but not for sexual or otherwise bad reasons. Elizabeth is an independent and will run on that platform. Not even Bernie Sanders would do this. But is Bernie an Independent likes he claims?

In segment five, Bailey had resigned. This was the possibly new secretary who never took office. But at lot of people talk about this. Thompson, a black woman, will be the new deputy. Tampons will now be put in the bathroom. Elizabeth then has a sit down with Jane Pauley, a CBS news journalist. Elizabeth does not say that she is running for president, talks down the rumor of an affair with Conrad, mentions the attacks in that country, and mentions the problems that Owen, a senator, is causing. She will do all that she needs to in order to save the great experiment of our nation, namely, the US.

On the next Madam Secretary, the season finale happens and I couldn’t stand what all was going on in the promo. Did any of you catch anything of importance? I don’t think that I did, sadly. I guess that we will see what happens and we’ll find out later if the next episode is the last one or not. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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