Monday, April 22, 2019

Episode from 4-21-2019

Another Maundy Thursday has come and gone. As expected, the networks continued to air episodes of shows that were new then. Thus, I missed episodes of Gotham, The Orville, The Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Law and Order: SVU, Grey’s Anatomy, Station 19, For the People, and S.W.A.T. I was busy on Easter and barely had any time to write any of this post and I have a lot to say before talking about this episode in question.

You might have noticed that I haven’t been updating you on any changes to the TV shows on DVD that I watch. Well, I’ve been more or less stuck with the same six choices for longer than I think I’ve ever been stuck with any six choices before. If I finish watching Survivor: Borneo, I get to replace it with Survivor: Gabon. If I finish watching anything else, I get to replace it with The Walking Dead and finally do a review of that show for my blog on The Good Wife. The six shows on DVD that I’m watching are Charmed season 4, Farscape season 4, Moonlight: The Complete Series, NCIS season 3, Survivor: Borneo, and shows that I have recorded on tape.

Ita sicut multi, non videtur intelligere quid esse pauper et paupertas in opera. Wes Moore scribit magnus articulus in tempus hac in February V, MMXVIII in infinitum et articulum, quod appellatur "Americae est Passibilitatem". Sunt igitur plures habentur mythi relate de illis simile, quod 'homines per paupertas aliqua merentur, "aut" populos in tantum ut paupertas 'adepto a officium, "ut scribit in scriptoris paginam 36. sequitur, ut de re publica altera pagina" nemo dignus is est paupertatem vereatur. "ego iustus adepto cur populus non faciunt pauper, et dives est in loco putat auxiliari dare tributum confractus est bonum idea.

I realize that I need to update you on what I call my tier two group of football teams that I root for. I had checked the scores of old games that they played last season versus games they played this season. Let’s get to it. The Texans beat the Dolphins and the Dolphins lost to the Jaguars. This makes the point system as Texans: 1 out of 2, Jaguars are 2 out of 3, Buccaneers are 2 out of 2, and Dolphins are 0 out of 3. This makes the ranking as Buccaneers, Jaguars, Texans, and Dolphins.

While I could talk about possible shows that could replace this blog, I’m not sure that I need to right now at this moment. I did dream about having a blog about the new show Whisky Cavalier. I haven’t seen that show and am not sure that I ever will. I mean, that’s a stupid name for a show, right? How many shows do people watch that have stupid names? Know that Bob’s Burgers is still next in line. I don’t yet know if I’ll watch this ABC show and blog about it or not. It will depend on what works in my schedule with all the other shows I care about.

This will be the last movie update until it goes back to my Elementary blog. Since I had no time to watch anything since the last update, I’ll tell you what the five lists are for now. Sunday’s list is Bambi, Celtic Woman’s original concert, Ghost Town, The Little Mermaid, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, and Pleasantville. Saturday’s list is Absolute Power, Finding Dory, The Lion King, North by Northwest, Rat Race, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Friday’s list is Avatar, my high school graduation DVD, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Lilo and Stitch, Pocahontas, and That Darn Cat. Monday’s list is Bend it Like Beckham, Despicable Me 3, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Liar Liar, Mr. Bean’s Holiday, and Toy Story 3. Tuesday’s list is Aladdin, Catch Me if You Can, Invictus, National Treasure, Raising Arizona, and Spaceballs.

On Friday, April 19, 2019, I rolled Survivor: Borneo again and got to watch the episode Long Hard Days. This is the last time that I have to roll Survivor for a while and depending on what happens with this show, I might have to finish writing the updates of when I rolled this somewhere else. I will keep track of it somewhere for sure.

I haven’t told anyone in this blog about it yet, but this is an important thing for others to know. I do not think that it is right for someone to get an abortion simply because their child will be born with any sort of developmental problem. But there’s an issue an Iceland where 100% of women who learn that their baby will be born with Down’s Syndrome will get an abortion. And elective abortion isn’t even legal in that country like it is in the United States. Know that this actually has nothing to do with abortion, but does have everything to do with a world where special needs people are wiped out by those who have what are considered to be superior minds but are just more problem causers.

There’s not too much for me to say in terms of the Democratic race for president in this post. I know that I might not be able to say much about it for quite some time, if at all, depending on what happens in the future. Elizabeth Warren has a great idea that you can read about here. This is going to make her even more of a target then she already is. But I’m willing to think for now that she’s most likely to win the Democratic primary and general election in 2020. There might be others that I’d lean more towards supporting besides her, but a lot of us know that she’s popular for now.

With no idea if I’ll be sharing much of these links from Daily Kos in the future, I thought that I might as well get to yet another reason why Mitch McConnell should be voted out of office next year. I do not have high hopes for him, especially after his part in the longest government shutdown in US history, but if Kentuckians still like him, we’re all seriously fucked. At least stories like this one explain why he should not win, especially if he wants to embrace his terrible side. Sadly, many have won with terrible campaign strategies, including him back in 2014.

If you have been following this blog for all the time that I’ve had it, you might remember that I was not good at updating it on time as I should have been. I’ve also been sharing links of my Good Wife blog and it had the same problem. Well, I’ve decided that I will share the episodes in the right order, even if this was not the order that I published the blog in. I may go back and tell you about older episodes in the past with it, but I don’t know if I will yet or not. In this post, it talks about various topics like a voting scandal, hacked emails, scandals causing one to resign from office, and that a character had rigged an election. This might have been one of the worst episodes of the show that I can remember.

You’ve probably heard a lot by now about gerrymandering and how people are able to draw districts in order to help advantage themselves and disadvantage the other party. Democrats are wanting to get rid of it as the math doesn’t add up. In one case, they got over 50% of the vote, but only 30-39% of the all of the seats that they ran for. I might need to ask someone who is good at math how that even works out because all I know is that the math doesn’t add up.

Problems when you gerrymander
Are caused when people pander
With all one side
They can change the tide
Thus we speak about it with candor

Regardless of if this show gets renewed for another season or not, that will be my last political limerick that I’m putting in this blog. If this show gets a sixth season, I will start putting a new type of poem in the blog instead. It will appear once every post instead of the old poems.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with Peter losing something on his way to some important meeting of some sort. A deal needs to be made on climate change. The team is told to look into what the kids might be hiding from them that they need to know so that it is not dug up as dirt against them during the campaign. Elizabeth meets with Conrad and Russell about the deal. She wants to resign and announce her campaign for the presidency tomorrow. But she is allowed to cancel this at the last minute. She and her husband want to go on a vacation before the campaigning starts.

Jason doesn’t want to tone down his political posts. Alison has admitted to doing weed. Daisy and Jay are talking to the kids and Stevie talks about how she doesn’t think that her dating history matters and that it didn’t prevent her from getting a job at the White House. Elizabeth then mentions her resignation on camera that will happen soon.

In segment two, Elizabeth talks about what she would do regarding the treaty in question. A senator from New Hampshire doesn’t want to advance the treaty as he felt it wouldn’t do anything to change the issue. They need a two thirds majority to pass the treaty. Elizabeth talks to this person later and he wants to get a bill passed in order to vote yes on the treaty. She thinks that the bill won’t work. She does want her husband to scuba dive, but he seems reluctant to do it. She then hears that the treaty will pass and that’s good news. Jay takes Stevie on an apology dinner and to little surprise, they kiss. But both of them agree that they shouldn’t be a couple.

In segment three, Elizabeth got a replacement pin that Pete had lost. It was something that Robert F Kennedy had during his campaign. One could wonder how the world would be different if he hadn’t been assassinated during the 1968 campaign. He could have been president instead of Nixon. Peter had liked the pin because it brought him and his father closer. Mike is told privately by Jay about the kiss that he had with Stevie that he was awkward about.

We then get to a security council dinner that Pete arrives at. Many all have some sort of reaction at the dinner and could all be dying. What is going on? Pete’s life flashes before his eyes and he passes out and it seems like the people who do the food are the perpetrators. The butlers all did it? Isn’t that some sort of overused plot point? Or is it something that never happens? I forget. I might have to look up this one butler stereotype in order to know for sure what it is.

In segment four, the team learns that a chemical agent was used to kill all the UN consul members and it was white supremacists who did this or are claiming responsibility. It turns out that these new people are part of a huge network that spans multiple countries. The presidential candidate from the previous episode talks about how he feels differently over the attack. They aren’t sure who the people are that might have done this, but will have to trend carefully as always.

Elizabeth talks to someone over Skype about what had happened over the people who died in their respective countries. Russia might have caused issues due to their trolls? Do I have that right? I’m not sure that I do or not. “…your free speech is just another weapon that can be bought…” is part of a great quote that this man talks about. McAllister is causing issues and he’s the controversial candidate who is running for office. Elizabeth thinks that McAllister has been bought by Russia but has to trend carefully as usual since this means she could be called out if she isn’t right about this.

In segment five, Elizabeth meets with the president and his team. Owen McAllister might have gotten some illegal contributions from Russia and his campaign manager will be arrested as a result. But they do not know if he has any involvement in it or not. This is way too on the nose to reality. After the news of this breaks, Owen calls it a witch hunt, but still drops out of the presidential race. Elizabeth isn’t sure that they are in the clear yet. Stevie wants to meet with Jay and there are issues. She is in tears and one can only hope that this doesn’t lead to sex like the TV cliché that it often is.

Elizabeth doesn’t want to resign from job and tells Conrad that. But he won’t let her not resign since he feels that she is best to fight for the future. She then talks to Peter’s kids about his life and legacy. We then skip to Virginia two months later. She talks about various things in a speech. She then announces that she’s running for the office of president of the big United States of whatever.

That’s it for this season and we’ll see later if this show returns for another one or not. All that I know is that this blog will continue even if the show doesn’t. I’ll explain how in a later post if it comes to that. If the show is renewed, then not much will change, if anything at all. I’ll be sure to do an update if this blog were to end and explain how it would be different in the future. I don’t think that we have much to be concerned about for the future of this blog. The future of this show, well, I wish that I could be sure that this episode wasn’t the series finale, but it could easily turn into that. We’ll see. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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