Saturday, April 20, 2019

Politics: The Top Ten Republicans Who Should Challenge Trump in 2020

What Republicans might not realize or want to admit is that they probably can’t win with Trump. I do not know why it doesn’t seem like nobody has yet entered the race in order to try to win this nomination and make Trump the first Republican since Chester Alan Arthur or sixth president overall to lose his party’s renomination. It hasn’t happened since voters could help choose the presidential candidates of their parties. Who would I want to see run and why? I might as well get to the list of the ten people that I most think should challenge Trump.

#10 Kim Reynolds- The incumbent governor of Iowa would certainly have an advantage in the primary in that state. She seems like she could be a good enough choice. But I don’t know if she is well known or would even consider running for that office. I wouldn’t know if she would make a dent on this race if she were in it, but I do think that she’d be a good president.

#9 James Comey- I don’t know if he could be remotely close to being good since he has not one bit of experience in terms of politics. Plus, he is too polarizing a figure for both parties to handle and one could only see his run as revenge on his firing. Another reason why he might not work is that he isn’t even a registered Republican anymore. Still, I do wonder how people would react to him being in the race and if some would arrange a protest vote of Trump by voting for him.

#8 John Roberts- He would be a very tricky person to handle in terms of whether or not it would be good for him to run. If he would have to leave the Supreme Court in order to do it, then it is a bad idea to have him run. He has criticized Trump before and we can only hope that there will be major rulings that he does against the continued attack by Trump on our lives. But he might also be all talk and no action. I don’t know if I had enough time to research potential candidates or not so that might be why he isn’t that good a pick.

#7 Chuck Grassley- With him being as old as he is and experienced, he could be what people need who want a real conservative in the race. He did the best he could to bring order to all of the chaos of the Kavanaugh hearings and there is no way that he’d lose a primary in Iowa. You might even find it odd that I like him at all, but he’s on my good side for now and we’ll see if he stays that way or not.

#6 Mike Huckabee- Evangelicals could support him and not be hypocrites like they are with their support of Trump. He is well qualified and would be a good alternative that at least those who are real Christians could support. But since he is in media now, we may have lost him to all of the pundits that often work there.

#5 Bobby Jindal- The former governor of Louisiana should run. He can help himself with the all so important minority vote that you’d think conservatives want as the very fact that he isn’t just another white man running for office should be good for those feed up with the recent racism of the Republican Party.

#4 Rick Santorum- After doing good to a point back in 2012, one might wonder why he failed to make a dent in the 2020 race. But he is very well qualified and is another person that could get the support of Christians who don’t just ignore every non abortion related issue when they vote. I don’t get why such a church going person would do badly against those who should realize that Trump doesn’t represent any Christian values (pro-life positions not withstanding).

#3 Peter Fitzgerald- Most of you will probably have no idea who this person is. He was the US senator from Illinois right before Obama took office. One wonders how history could have gone differently if he actually had a chance at taking his own seat back in 2004. Obama wouldn’t have made it to the senate and wouldn’t have become president either. Not yet, at least. He is still at a good enough age that if he wanted to run again, many moderates would flock to him.

#2 John Kasich- I’ll never understand why there wasn’t more of a push to election him back in 2016 and maybe this time, the voters could actually get it right. When I read about him online and looked at all the positions that he had, nearly all of them lined up with my political beliefs. I do not understand why he is not already in the race, outside of the fact that he might be more of a journalist now than politician and, thus, won’t be interested in running for office again.

#1 Lisa Murkowski- Perhaps the most liberal of all the Republicans currently in the senate, she has sided with the Democrats so many times, I couldn’t think of a reason why they wouldn’t go to her in a primary to get rid of Trump. Obamacare is still around because of her and did not vote for Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. I think that a moderate could do well in office and would only hope that people can see that too. Plus, if she were to run for president, it would be good to remember that he has successfully run a write-in campaign. She’s the Republican that I most respect in the senate right now. And I’d vote for her in the primary, if not the general election too. Many could get behind her.

Well, that’s about it for this post. One can only hope that if a Republican were to enter the race that all the states would do their primaries for president. I mean, they’ll have to do them for all these other races as well too. Some states might force Trump to win the primary there by not having them like they should. This is the same party that complained that things were rigged by the Democrats against Bernie Sanders. I will say that there is someone who has an exploratory committee in the race for president and many would be happen if there were a Republican other than Trump running for office. This is just my pick for who might work.

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